
When designing Drs, our programmers focused on workflow efficiency. Patient charts open up almost instantly, and searching for those charts is just as quick. Our new narrative writer with built-in “clicktation” support and intelligent macros, allow forms to be filled out in a fraction of the time they would take on paper. The customizable report writer, included for free with every copy of Drs, has been designed to be one of the fastest and most flexible report writers around. Whether they’re taking vitals, examining a patient, prescribing medicine, or ordering reports, Drs keeps doctors working at their most efficient pace. We have a motto that we use when designing Drs – “If it isn’t easy, doctors and staff can’t use it, BUT if it isn’t fast, doctors and staff WON’T use it.”


We realized early on that it would be better for a practice if our EHR could fit your office, rather than your office fitting into our EHR. Most EHRs have preset templates that are difficult to customize. That’s because they are programmed into the software instead of being editable documents. Some EHRs may offer to design custom templates if you have a large enough practice, but the costs are often extremely prohibitive. With Drs, creating your own custom templates is straightforward and manageable. In fact one of our easy style templates allows you to scan in your old forms as templates. These can be easily written on using a tablet PC just as if they were paper. Other kinds of templates use the easiest and most flexible template designer available on any computer – a word processor. Using word processing tools, you can design forms, that in only a few hours can create professional documents which will automatically populate discrete patient data. Most of our competitors claim that they were built for various specialties. Drs doesn’t need to have specialty versions because Drs is always your version, no matter what specialty you practice.


As a certified EHR, Drs is designed to be a secure system that offers not only standard security such as 128-bit (HIPAA standard) encryption for all documents, but also added features such as password protocols, automatic logoffs, and emergency access. For example, Drs can force users to change passwords at regular intervals and can prevent “unsafe” passwords. If a user is inactive for aperiod of time, Drs can automatically log out to prevent unauthorized access and also has an emergency patient safety protocol called “break glass.” Break glass allows registered users, in an emergency, to view patient folders and documents which they are not normally authorized to view. This access is broadcast to other users on the system. The patients accessed by the person who broke the glass are logged and reviewable by the supervisor. Fully certified and HIPAA compliant, Drs will keep your practice safe and protected.

HL7 Lab Interface

When viewing lab results, most EHRs display them in a “report” style view. Drs goes further in presenting data-based lab results in an easy-to-read style. Not only does Drs have a “report” style presentation, but Drs also creates a document view of each lab result that looks like the original paper document. This makes it easier for the doctor to interpret the lab results and allows the lab results to be printed or faxed in an easy-to-read view as well.

QR Codes For Scanning

How much time does the staff spend on scanning pages into the EHR? This module has many features to enhance the efficiency of medical practices. Templates can now print directly to paper with QR codes embedded. When a document or template is printed, a small QR code is printed in the corner of each page of the form. After the form has been completed by the patient, the provider, or the office staff, the batch of documents for the entire day can be placed in the scanner. The documents will automatically scan into the correct patient in the correct folder with no user intervention needed.

Integrated Fax

This feature streamlines the management of faxes. Even the smallest practices send and receive thousands of faxes per month. This fully integrated fax system saves time and makes your staff more efficient.

2FA And Smart Cards

Using a smart card with Drs Enterprise makes it super-fast, easy and secure to log in. For example, when a provider or user moves from exam room to exam room, a simple touch of the card will securely log in the user. Another new feature, known as 2FA (two-factor authentication), will enhance the security when logging into Drs. 2FA will require either a smart card or a cell phone to authenticate the user as they log in. There are three modes for using the 2FA: off, on for everyone, or on for everyone except smart card users.


Drs has an integrated telemedicine ability. It is full-featured, HIPAA compliant, and one of the least expensive telemedicine offerings in the market.

Charge Capture

This module allows the clinical staff to be able to have the charges and problems that have been posted in a visit automatically exported to their billing systems. This can drastically reduce the data entry time for posting charges.

Instant Messaging

This feature allows users to instantly and securely text each other for quick communications. This was introduced during the first part of Covid as a way to better interact with all users - whether they are working in the office or at home.

Document Management

  • Ability to scan and categorize without typing
  • User definable chart categories, sub-folders,  icons, preferences, etc.
  • Multiple file cabinets for different office needs
  • State-of-the-art drag and drop technology for speed and ease of use
  • Ability to store many different types of data including Microsoft Word documents, photographs, pdf files and rich text files.
  • Robust interface to Practice Management Systems
  • HIPAA compliant with high security and audit trails
  • Easy-to-use features for the Microsoft Tablet PC
  • Ability to save data into an unlimited number of discrete user fields with unlimited catagories
  • Automatic workflow features (AutoFlow) that can create and deliver tasks to various users, and can generate actions needing to be accomplished
  • Powerful remote capabilities allow satellite offices to seamlessly integrate with main office
  • Flexible report writer when combined with unlimited user fields provide powerful data mining capabilites
  • Flexible, robust system and user options for personal look and feel

Workflow Systems

  • Easy-to-use “Microsoft Outlook” style interface
  • Workflow becomes dramatically more efficient
  • Tasks sent to others are tracked with both viewed dates and completion dates for easy follow up
  • Tasks and messages are linked to the document level so that the document can be easily found for follow up
  • Tasks and phone messages can be prioritized for maximum efficiency
  • Users are automatically notified of incoming tasks and phone messages
  • Phone messages have user definable fields for flexibility and ease of use

Narrative Writer

This unique option provides true dictation output with a robust but easy-to-use interface. You can quickly create dictation without typing by simply using a mouse, or by using the pen with your Tablet PC.

  • Objects like date buttons, text fields, number buttons, dropdown lists, check boxes, annotation boxes, and note composers are quickly inserted onto a word processing background for the ultimate in easy, fast, and flexible narrative writing
  • Objects can be automatically saved into Drs Data Fields for use in templates and data mining
  • Objects have user-definable filters to provide data validation and reduction of user input errors

Forms Processing Feature

Imagine a system that can automatically fill out the forms that routinely come into the practice. Whether you need to fill out hospital forms, state Medicaid forms, or business forms, with Drs you can scan in the form and place data fields onto the scanned image. Then, when you need a form filled out, you simply pull up the patient, pick the form, and the system will automatically fill out that form with the patient and practice information.


SureScripts, GoldRxTM and SafeRXTM Certified Quickly and efficiently write new prescriptions and renew prescription requests from many pharmacies. Real time clinical decision support tools including...

  • Drug to drug and drug to allergy interaction checking
  • Appropriate drug dosage checking
  • Duplicate therapy alerts
  • Clinical information displayed during Rx process
  • Patient eligibility
  • Formulary information
  • Medication history
  • Pharmacy fill history
  • Medication history

Auto Add Document Features

With Drs, high volume providers have the added flexibility to continue to use voice dictation for their transcription needs. If using an outside transcription service, Drs has the ability to automatically “file” the dictation documents.

Upon arrival, the documents are filed into the correct patient folder of the correct patient chart. A report is automatically created to notify the provider that the transcription is ready to be approved. This time-saving feature can dramatically improve efficiency when a voice dictation system is preferred.

HIPAA Security Features

  • All readable images and documents are saved to the hard disk with 128 bit encryption
  • Once encrypted, images and documents can only be accessed through Drs system
  • Security groups determine which chart types can be viewed or edited
  • Users can belong to up to 30 security groups
  • Drs automatically maintains an audit trail for every document
  • Audit trail tracks who the user is and when the user has accessed, edited, or moved the document in the patient chart

EOB Manager Features

The EOB manager automatically separates the electronic "Explanation Of Benefits" (EOB) files that come from the insurance companies into each patient account.

When a secondary insurance needs a copy of the EOB, instead of leaving your chair to dig through boxes or a filing cabinets, you will be able to quickly click your way to that particular patient’s EOB for easy printing or electronic faxing.

Paper EOBs can also be quickly scanned and later retrieved by specifying either the date posted, the check number or both.

Practice Management Interfaces

Drs Enterprise can tie directly into billing system data files to import real-time patient and insurance information.

  • Available interfaces include MicroMD®, Medical Manager®, Medisoft®, MedFX®, PCN® and others